Practitioner Spotlight: Meet Rebecca

Have you been struggling with chronic illness for years or even decades?  Are you looking for answers and haven’t found any?  Are you feeling like no one is listening when you try to explain what’s happening to you or that they don’t understand?

Rebecca provides a calm environment for you to be heard, understood and believed.  She truly listens to what you’re saying and asks relevant questions to gain a deeper understanding of what you’re experiencing.

At Dancing Willow Wellness, we pride ourselves on patient-centred care, and Rebecca exemplifies this principle. She’s always ready to meet patients where they’re at and uses her 20+ years of experience to help patients move closer to where they want to be. 

Patients feel supported and heard throughout their journey and appreciate her kindness, compassion and empathy as they move through healing. 

There are four areas that Rebecca has additional learning and a special focus in:

Chronic pain:

Pain initially serves a purpose. Pain lets us know something is wrong, from a paper cut to a broken bone. It says, ‘stop what you’re doing, pay attention and fix this.’  Most often, as an injury heals, the pain resolves by itself. But sometimes, the pain doesn’t go away, even though the original cause has long since healed. In other situations, there may be no cure for the cause of the pain. At this point, the pain stops serving a purpose and becomes chronic.

Chronic pain is exhausting, invasive, and mood-destroying in addition to being, well, painful! Nothing sucks the joy out of life quite as quickly as knowing that the pain you feel today will be there tomorrow, next week, and next month, and next year. 

Rebecca is here to help. Hypnosis is a powerful tool to alleviate chronic pain. By using several hypnotic techniques to create profound relaxation in muscles, shift focus away from behaviours that worsen pain, and create new thought patterns, pain sensations are diminished and often disappear. 

Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other chronic illnesses

Do you count your daily tasks in spoons? How often do you run out of spoons before the day is over? (Not familiar with the Spoonie Theory? You can read it here) For many people with chronic conditions, everyday tasks as simple as taking a shower become challenging, requiring planning beforehand and a period of rest after.

Using both hypnosis and herbal medicine, Rebecca begins with the bedrock of health - a good night’s sleep. Then we can build energy levels, regain mental focus, calm the nervous system, and work on the many specific symptoms of chronic illnesses such as digestive and urinary issues, headaches, and skin problems.

Stress and Anxiety

Mental health can suffer with chronic illness; pain, fatigue and uncertainty all contribute to a diminished ability to cope with stress. Or perhaps life has handed you one too many things to handle. Anxiety, worry, panic, and stress can become overwhelming in themselves and affect our physical health as well. Rebecca uses herbal medicine to help calm a tightly wound nervous system and hypnosis to help you find calm amid chaos and, perhaps more importantly, a path through it to peace again. By changing mental and emotional patterns of behaviour, we can regain a sense of inner calm and become more resilient to life’s challenges.

Herbal Medicine Acute Care 

Have your children brought home a cold or has your spouse brought home stomach flu? Did your visit to the cottage leave you with itchy mosquito bites or a poison ivy rash? Are you looking for safe, effective, personalized herbal remedies for everyday illnesses?

An acute care video or phone consultation with Rebecca allows you to discuss your issue and have a personalized herbal remedy such as a tea, tincture or salve prepared for you for same-day or next-day pick-up. Every remedy prepared to treat your specific symptoms is made from hand-harvested herbs, lovingly crafted small-batch tinctures and other preparations, combined with over 20 years of herbal knowledge. 

Next Steps

If you’re looking for support in any of these areas or perhaps a different area, book a 20-minute consultation with Rebecca to learn more about how she can support you.

Rebecca Graves, RH, CH

With over 20 years of experience, Rebecca is a compassionate, caring and warm practitioner who uses herbal medicine and a wide range of hypnosis modalities to empower her clients to rediscover their innate capacity to heal, physically, mentally and emotionally. 

Using both the healing potential of herbs and the incredible power of the subconscious mind, Rebecca actively engages with her patients, helping them find sustainable solutions to their health concerns.


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