Counselling & Psychotherapy

Mental Wealth is a term Dancing Willow Wellness uses with conviction.  Even in your most vulnerable and troubled moments, you have a deep well of resilience and possibility to rely on.  

We all run into problems in life, and struggle with how we are seeing and being in the world, and sometimes, we just don’t have the tools for the job. This is where counselling can help!

Whether you are the black sheep, or have been labeled with not being neurotypical (i.e. ADHD, ADD, OCD, differences in learning ability), or are feeling overwhelmed, or uninspired (but want to be inspired), Dancing Willow Wellness offers a variety of means for you to gather and apply the tools you will need to help build your Mental Wealth.  

We offer a safe space, for you to be you, and to say the things you’ve been struggling to say.  We also offer straightforward, no-nonsense counselling, providing practical advice and time-tested strategies that can give you the tools you need to overcome whatever obstacles you’re up against and to get your life back on track.  We know that the last thing you want is to sit around talking about the problem forever; you want solutions, and we’re here to help you find them.

So why waste time banging your head against a wall, pretending the problem doesn’t exist, or being afraid to face it head on, when solutions and options are just a phone call away?

If any of this feels familiar, we’re here to help:  

  • Stress

  • Addiction

  • Work life balance

  • Anger management 

  • Family mediation

  • Conflict resolution

  • Relationship boundaries

  • Feeling comfortable in your skin

  • Grief

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Life transitions

To have mental wealth is to possess the knowledge, skills and resilience to maintain and enjoy great mental health, even in tough times. Mental Wealth helps us to thrive and protects us from having poor mental health. Mental wealth is something everyone has a right to.
— Urban Dictionary
Do or do not. There is no try.
— Yoda

More info about counselling & psychotherapy.

What’s the difference between psychotherapy and counselling?

Psychotherapy may only be practiced by those meeting specific educational requirements, making this a ‘regulated profession’ with a regulatory college/body. You have to be registered to be able to call yourself a psychotherapist. A counsellor isn’t a protected title (psychotherapist is) and doesn’t have a regulatory college/body deciding the standard of ethics and practice.

How do I know if counselling / psychotherapy can help me?

If you’re ready to work on the problems that are bothering you, then counselling / psychotherapy may help you!

Do I address my mental health, my addiction or both?

Studies have shown that addressing both concerns at the same time is the best practice, and produces the highest success rate. Including a counsellor/psychotherapist, who is experienced in guiding clients to a healthier lifestyle, will increase your likelihood of recovery tremendously. 

How do I address my depression and/or anxiety?

We use the latest scientifically researched techniques to help you feel better while managing your anxiety and bringing some joy back into your life.

How do I help a family member or a friend?

Mental health and addictions affect everyone involved, and everyone deserves to receive support throughout the process.  We receive referrals from family and friends seeking support for a loved one.  We can help provide support in addressing the families concerns, or we can provide individual support for the family members. 

What happens in my first session?

Our first meeting is a casual session beginning with an informal intake interview. We’ll discuss the problem we’re trying to solve, as well as any contributing factors and then develop a plan to move forward. 

What can I expect at follow-up sessions?

Follow-up sessions are used to re-evaluate the problem, the solutions given, and to implement other options if necessary.  There’s always a certain amount of trial and error involved in finding the right solution for a particular problem.  

How many sessions will I need to solve my problem?

The number of sessions needed will be discussed in the intake session. In most cases, 4 to 6 sessions will be more than enough to give you the tools and skills you’ll need to solve your problem.  

Is counselling available virtually?

Virtual options are available if required, but for best results, in person counselling/psychotherapy is recommended.

 Is counselling covered by my insurance?

Some insurance plans offer coverage for counselling. If you are wondering if your plan covers counselling, please be sure to contact your insurance company or check your insurance guide book to confirm what your coverage includes.