Resource Library

Holistic Health, Complementary Health Rebecca Graves, RH, CH Holistic Health, Complementary Health Rebecca Graves, RH, CH

The Bitter Truth

In my twenty plus years as a herbalist, there has been one class of remedy that people have complained about consistently – the digestive bitter.

We, as herbalists, are not being cruel or perverse when we recommend that you take one. We know the bitter flavour can come as a bit of a shock to folks used to the average North American diet, but bitters have a plethora of benefits that really do make them worthwhile.

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Holistic Health, Complementary Health Rebecca Graves, RH, CH Holistic Health, Complementary Health Rebecca Graves, RH, CH

Bioregional Herbalism

One of the things I love about being a herbalist is the variety of my work. My day may be spent with clients, taking histories and assessing issues. It may be spent in a deep dive into academic literature, as there is always more to learn and new research to keep up with. And it is often, especially in the growing season, spent outside, planting and tending to my herb gardens, or foraging for wild herbs in woods and meadows. Then there is the slow process of drying herbs for teas, making tinctures, salves, and other plant-based medicines.

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Holistic Health, Complementary Health Rebecca Graves, RH, CH Holistic Health, Complementary Health Rebecca Graves, RH, CH

Christmas Tree Tea

It’s that time of year when Christmas and New Year’s celebrations are over, and we’re settling in for a few months of cold, snowy weather. And with Winter come seasonal colds, sore throats, and runny noses. 

Being a backyard herbalist is so much easier in the summer when there is an abundance of medicinal weeds and wildflowers, but even in the depths of winter, there are herbal remedies to be found. This one is a great remedy for runny noses and mucousy coughs, and has the added benefit of being right in your living room – it’s your Christmas tree! 

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Holistic Health Rebecca Graves, RH, CH Holistic Health Rebecca Graves, RH, CH

Practitioner Spotlight: Meet Rebecca

Have you been struggling with chronic illness for years or even decades? Are you looking for answers and haven’t found any? Are you feeling like no one is listening when you try to explain what’s happening to you or that they don’t understand?

Rebecca provides a calm environment for you to be heard, understood and believed. She truly listens to what you’re saying and asks relevant questions to gain a deeper understanding of what you’re experiencing.

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Holistic Health, Complementary Health Rebecca Graves, RH, CH Holistic Health, Complementary Health Rebecca Graves, RH, CH

How A Herbalist Became A Hypnotist

In many healing modalities practitioners search for what they call the ‘root cause’ of an illness or condition. Are those headaches the result of eye strain? Are those frequent colds due to an immune system weakened by fatigue? Is that rash indicative of a food intolerance? While we want to bring relief to present symptoms, our underlying goal is to prevent them from recurring, to address whatever imbalance caused them to occur in the first place.

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