Resource Library

Mental Health, Women's Health, Holistic Health Andrea Empey, R.Ac, CNP, R.O.H.P. Mental Health, Women's Health, Holistic Health Andrea Empey, R.Ac, CNP, R.O.H.P.

Why Sleep Matters & How to Sleep Better

Sleep is not self-indulgence or self-care. Sleep is a basic human need that’s critical to our health, well-being and self-preservation!

I'm choosing to start with this bold statement for a reason: from a young age, we're taught that 'sleep is for the weak’, that we can 'sleep when we're dead' and other detrimental beliefs about sleep. This is reinforced in our 20's and the belief that we can "do it all". North American culture has become one where sleep is thought of as a luxury we can't afford if we want to get everything done.

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Mental Health, Holistic Health Rebecca Graves, RH, CH Mental Health, Holistic Health Rebecca Graves, RH, CH

Stress and Hypnosis

Did you know your brain is brilliant at keeping you safe from sabre tooth cats? You have an amazing fast-response system that puts you on high alert whenever danger threatens you. You might know it as the “fight or flight” response.

Your heart beats faster, filling your arms and legs with more blood and energy. Your breathing becomes faster and deeper to help provide your muscles with the oxygen they need to fight or run away. Even your pupils get bigger, so you can see a little better in low light conditions – just the time of day that big cats like to hunt!

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Holistic Health, Women's Health Andrea Empey, R.Ac, CNP, R.O.H.P. Holistic Health, Women's Health Andrea Empey, R.Ac, CNP, R.O.H.P.

How to Tell if Your Period is Normal

Like so many other teenage girls, I had no idea what to expect with my first period or what it'd be like throughout my life. I also did what so many other teenage girls before me did - I asked the women in my life. In this case, my mother and older sister.

While this may seem an entirely normal and reasonable thing to do, in reality, it isn't! If they don't know what a "normal period" is, how can they actually answer this question?! They can tell me what a "normal for them period" is but not a "normal period".

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Counselling, Mental Health Alicia Niewiatowska Counselling, Mental Health Alicia Niewiatowska

I had COVID, Here’s What I Learned

It’s coming up to the 2-year anniversary of this pandemic. Despite working with COVID positive clients, providing direct health care, throughout 2021, I didn’t contract COVID until New Year’s Eve of 2022.

I didn’t know I had it until they tested me at work on Monday, January 3rd.

That’s right. You read that correctly. I had COVID for 3 days before a test told me I had it.

But I will get to that…

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Holistic Health, Complementary Health Rebecca Graves, RH, CH Holistic Health, Complementary Health Rebecca Graves, RH, CH

How A Herbalist Became A Hypnotist

In many healing modalities practitioners search for what they call the ‘root cause’ of an illness or condition. Are those headaches the result of eye strain? Are those frequent colds due to an immune system weakened by fatigue? Is that rash indicative of a food intolerance? While we want to bring relief to present symptoms, our underlying goal is to prevent them from recurring, to address whatever imbalance caused them to occur in the first place.

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Holistic Health, Mental Health Andrea Empey, R.Ac, CNP, R.O.H.P. Holistic Health, Mental Health Andrea Empey, R.Ac, CNP, R.O.H.P.

Overthinking: What Exactly is Overthinking

I used to wonder why this happened to me. I’d even try staying up super late hoping exhaustion would help me avoid it. Going to bed early (especially if I wasn’t tired) only made it worse. Thankfully, I’ve found a few tips and tricks over the years which have helped me stop overthinking or quiet my mind when it does happen.

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Mental Health Andrea Empey, R.Ac, CNP, R.O.H.P. Mental Health Andrea Empey, R.Ac, CNP, R.O.H.P.

Reframing 'Shoulds'

When I hear 'should' coming out of my mouth, I think I've got a ball and chain attached to my ankle. 'Should' is so heavy. It's so full of obligation. It's so judgmental. I allow myself to make a change and reframe how I'm thinking about that 'should.'

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