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Hypnosis and Chronic Illness – A Pathway to Healing

By Rebecca

Living with a chronic illness is an immense challenge that affects millions of people worldwide. Traditional medical treatments often focus on managing symptoms, but what if there was an alternate approach that could tap into the mind's innate healing abilities? Hypnosis is a therapeutic technique that employs the power of suggestion and deep relaxation to alleviate symptoms and improve the overall well-being of individuals with chronic illnesses.

Hypnosis is a state of heightened focus and suggestibility, where individuals enter a deep state of relaxation and become more receptive to positive suggestions. Contrary to many movies and TV shows, it is not a form of mind control but rather a cooperative and collaborative process between the hypnotist and the participant.

Hypnosis works by bypassing the critical conscious mind, the part of your mind reading this right now, and accessing the subconscious mind, where beliefs, emotions, and behaviors are deeply rooted. Imagine a filing cabinet or hard drive, where all your experiences are stored and where beliefs about the world are formed that influence our thoughts and behaviours. By working with the subconscious through hypnosis, it is possible to address deep-seated issues, release emotional blockages, and create positive changes in the body and mind.

Hypnosis and the Mind-Body Connection

Chronic illnesses often have both physical and psychological components. Hypnosis recognizes the interplay between the mind and body and aims to promote holistic healing by addressing the underlying psychological factors that contribute to the illness. By reducing stress, improving coping mechanisms, and enhancing relaxation, hypnosis can positively influence the body's response to chronic conditions.


Chronic pain is a common symptom experienced by many individuals with chronic illnesses. Hypnosis has been found to be effective in managing and reducing pain by altering the perception of pain signals, promoting relaxation, and releasing endorphins, the body's natural painkillers. Through techniques like imagery and suggestion, hypnosis can provide relief and improve the overall quality of life for those living with chronic pain.

Immune Function

Hypnosis can influence the immune system by promoting relaxation and reducing stress, which in turn can enhance the body's natural defense mechanisms. Studies have shown that hypnosis can positively impact immune function and contribute to overall well-being for people with chronic illnesses. Using positive suggestions and imagery, hypnosis can activate and enhance the body's innate healing abilities and support immune system function.


Sleep – or the lack of it – can play a huge role in exacerbating the symptoms of chronic illness. Without deep restorative sleep, the body is unable to repair itself, leading to a worsening of symptoms. Fatigue and its close companion brain fog make even the simplest task difficult, adding to the pressures of life with a chronic illness. Hypnosis can alleviate insomnia by deeply relaxing both the body and mind, lessening the perception of pain, and even resetting the sleep-wake cycle allowing an individual to achieve restorative sleep.

Mental Health

Many people think of chronic illnesses as affecting only the body, but mental health can suffer as well. The grief of giving up pastimes and activities that were once enjoyed but are no longer feasible, the stress of managing symptoms, and the anxiety and depression that are fed by pain and fatigue all deprive people of mental well-being. By focusing on positive suggestions and reframing negative beliefs, individuals can experience improved emotional and mental health and enhanced quality of life. Hypnosis can provide a sense of empowerment, helping individuals regain control over their health and navigate the challenges of living with a chronic illness more effectively.

Hypnotic Techniques for Chronic Illness

So, what actually happens during a hypnosis session?

There is an almost unending range of hypnosis practices that can be used to help chronic illness. The following are examples of some of the commonly used techniques you may experience in your appointment.

Guided imagery

This is a widely used hypnosis technique that utilizes the power of visualization to promote relaxation and healing. Through vivid mental imagery, individuals are guided to create a mental experience that evokes positive sensations and emotions. When applied to chronic illness, guided imagery can be tailored to address specific symptoms or challenges. By visualizing a peaceful and healing environment, individuals can activate the body's relaxation response, reduce stress, and alleviate symptoms.


This is an enormously valuable technique that empowers individuals to practice hypnosis on their own. By learning self-hypnosis techniques with a hypnotist, individuals can then access the benefits of hypnosis at any time and in any place. Self-hypnosis typically involves inducing a state of deep relaxation through deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or visualization. It allows individuals to focus on specific goals or symptoms related to their chronic illness and reinforce positive suggestions for healing and well-being.


This technique creates associations between sensory cues and desired emotional or physiological states. In the context of chronic illness, individuals can create an anchor, such as a touch or a word, that is associated with a state of comfort, relaxation, or relief from symptoms. Through repetition and reinforcement, the anchor can be used to evoke the desired state whenever and wherever needed. Anchoring can be particularly helpful for managing pain, reducing anxiety, or promoting a sense of calmness during challenging moments.

Metaphor and Symbolism

Metaphorical or symbolic imagery involves the use of metaphors or symbols to represent aspects of the chronic illness experience. By exploring these metaphors or symbols during hypnosis, individuals can gain insights into their condition, emotions, and belief systems. The hypnotherapist guides the individual through a journey of exploration, allowing for a deeper understanding of the illness and its impact. Metaphorical or symbolic imagery can facilitate emotional healing, promote acceptance, and foster a positive mindset.

Want to Learn More?

Hypnosis is a non-invasive and holistic therapy and can be used alongside many other treatments for chronic illnesses. By harnessing the power of the mind, hypnosis can help manage symptoms, reduce pain, boost the immune system, reduce insomnia, increase mental health, and enhance overall well-being. With the right techniques and guidance from a hypnotist, hypnosis can unlock the hidden potential within you to support your body's healing process and enhance your overall quality of life.

If you’d like to find out more about how hypnosis can help you, book a free 20-minute consultation.