What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathic treatment is a natural, holistic, mild, and gentle way of healing because it is based on nature’s principle of cure: "like cures like."

The word "homeopathy" comes from the Greek words "homeo" and "pathos." "Homeo" means similar, and "pathos" means suffering. Homeopathy is based on the principle of "Similia Similibus Curentur," which means "like cures like." Homeopathy was founded by Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). Dr. Hahnemann was a learned German physician, brilliant chemist, great reformer, skilled scientist, and a cultured man.

How homeopathy works

Homeopathy works on the Law of Similars. This means that when a medicinal substance is administered to a relatively healthy human being, it produces certain symptoms. When a diseased person exhibits those exact symptoms and that medicinal substance administered in minute dose, which is stronger than the disease, it frees the life force from the disease, and restores the person to health.

Benefits of Homeopathy: Individualized Treatment

Homeopathy is purely an individualistic approach to treating a diseased person. What does this mean?

To understand that, let's first understand what individualization is. Individualization is the process of making something different to suit the needs of a particular person. While we agree that human beings are the same in basic structure and that our bodily systems work in the same way, we all have different individualities despite this structural and functional similarity.

We all react differently to emotions, weather changes, likes, dislikes, and so on. For instance, while many people enjoy summer, some of us get headaches when exposed to the sun. Similarly, some of us get sick every time the weather changes, but it does not affect everyone. Why is there this difference? The reason is that we all have our own sensitivities and individualities.

Everyone is different in their healthy state and, therefore, different in sickness as well. That is why everyone needs a specific remedy to treat their individual disease state. To address individual disease states, homeopathic treatment plans are based on individualization. For example, there are 692 homeopathic medicines for anxiety, phobias, and worries! It is quite common for two people suffering from anxiety to benefit from different homeopathic remedies, purely based on their individuality. The homeopathic approach to treatment is not one-size-fits-all but is tailored and designed according to your specific health needs.

Understanding Signs and Symptoms:

The signs and symptoms are the language our body uses to express a derangement in vital energy. The way we choose to treat them matters a lot. To explain this simply: imagine a little child enjoying describing something another kid did at school. You realize that what the other kid did was not nice. How do you react?

  1. You strongly forbid the little child from ever behaving like that, using the other kid’s example. The child registers your strong disapproving reaction subconsciously and refrains from recounting any similar occurrences to you in the future.

  2. You listen but do not react or say anything, so the child assumes that such behaviour is okay under the circumstances and does not learn anything about what good behaviour ought to be in this context.

  3. You listen, try to understand the situation, and help the child see it from a broader perspective, so they understand the context surrounding the bad behaviour of the other kid thereby allowing them to respond appropriately to similar occurrences in the future.

In this scenario, the first reaction is an example of suppression, the second is palliation, and the third is a cure.

Suppression is the forceful removal of a symptom or set of symptoms. Palliation is reducing the severity of the disease or easing the symptoms without addressing the underlying cause. Cure is the restoration of health.

Next time your body speaks out about the derangement of your vital energy, what is the better alternative for you to deal with it? It can be suppression, palliation, or cure. The choice is yours!


Arti Mehta, BHMS, Extern at CCHM

Arti finds joy in helping her patients achieve mental, emotional, and physical wellness. Arti is a seasoned professional with fifteen years of experience in natural and holistic healing. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS) from the Barkatullah University in Bhopal, India, and is dedicated to the practice and advancement of homeopathy. 

Arti is committed to providing effective and accessible care through developing individualized treatment plans for her patients to address the underlying cause of their illness.


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