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Mental Health Andrea Empey, R.Ac, CNP, R.O.H.P. Mental Health Andrea Empey, R.Ac, CNP, R.O.H.P.

How Habits Affect Your Life + How to Make them Work for You

Habits aren’t something that most people think about regularly until you’re trying to make a change. Habits, by nature, are subconscious and exist in response to specific stimuli. This is also called ‘Cue, Routine, Reward’ in Charles Duhigg’s book The Power of Habit.

“Habits are the compound interest of self improvement.” ~ James Clear (Atomic Habits)

By definition, habits are repeated actions or behaviours that you do with such frequency that you may not be aware of them. You might find yourself in the middle of the action or have even completed it before you realize what you are doing.

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