Practitioner Spotlight: Meet Arti

Arti finds joy in helping her patients achieve mental, emotional, and physical wellness. Currently, as an Extern at the Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine (CCHM), Arti is offering subsidized consultation to develop individualized treatment plans for her patients to address the underlying cause of their sickness. Her work, supervised by a CCHM Supervisor, reflects her commitment to providing effective and accessible care.

Arti is a seasoned professional with fifteen years of experience in natural and holistic healing. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS) from the Barkatullah University in Bhopal, India, and is dedicated to the practice and advancement of homeopathy.

 Arti resides in Stittsville, Ontario, with her husband and son. Beyond professional pursuits, she practices yoga, meditation, and prayer, and considers them integral to finding fulfillment in her life. Her personal interests extend further to leading a balanced lifestyle with a healthy nutritious diet. Cherishing time with her family, she loves scenic drives, and delights in the inquisitive and playful conversations with her young son.

The Difference between Health and Disease

The term 'vital force' (Prāṇa or Ch'i) refers to the essential energy for life, distinguishing a living creature from a lifeless body. Without this force, essential life characteristics—sensation, functions, and self-preservation—are absent. The material body and life force are thus inseparable.

Health is a state where the vital force can move our body, influencing its functions. A healthy body maintains harmony in functions and sensations. This allows us to use our mental, physical, and spiritual well-being intelligently to fulfill life's mission.

Conversely, disease arises when the dynamic vital force is deranged by a disease-causing agent. This leads to disruption in normal physiology and pathological changes, evident in signs and symptoms.

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a natural medicine system used worldwide for over 200 years, recognized by the World Health Organization. Founded by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician and chemist born in 1755, it is based on the principles of "like cures like" and "minimum dose." Hahnemann, disillusioned with the harsh medical treatments of his time, developed homeopathy through scientific experimentation and inductive reasoning. The first principle, "like cures like," means that a substance causing symptoms in a healthy person can treat those same symptoms in a sick person. The second principle, "minimum dose," aims to avoid side effects by using only enough medicine to stimulate the body's healing response. Homeopathy works by boosting the body’s vitality and ensuring treatment is gentle and effective. Millions benefit from this therapeutic system, which aligns with the body's natural healing processes.

Next Steps

If you’re looking for support in helping to support healing, book a 20-minute consultation with Arti to learn more about how she can support you.

Arti Mehta, BHMS, Extern at CCHM

Arti finds joy in helping her patients achieve mental, emotional, and physical wellness. Arti is a seasoned professional with fifteen years of experience in natural and holistic healing. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS) from the Barkatullah University in Bhopal, India, and is dedicated to the practice and advancement of homeopathy. 

Arti is committed to providing effective and accessible care through developing individualized treatment plans for her patients to address the underlying cause of their illness.


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