Practitioner Spotlight: Meet Alicia

It’s amazing to meet with a therapist who puts you at ease and makes you feel comfortable.  

Having the opportunity to talk with someone who’s open, a straight shooter and a great listener helps you to get to the heart of what’s really bothering you.  

Working with someone who creates a space where you feel safe to spill your guts, without you even realizing it is incredibly supportive.  

Being able to be in a kind, empathetic environment is conducive to healing and reflection, which in turn makes you look forward to positive changes.  All of these things should be present when working with any therapist, and Alicia delivers all of this in spades at Dancing Willow Wellness.

There are four areas that Alicia has additional learning and expertise in:

Aging with Dignity

Our healthcare system is a maze! As the baby boomers attempt to manage their health needs at home, 'aging in place' (at home) is the goal; but, it’s tough figuring out what you need, let alone where to get it or what support (financial and physical) is available to you. 

This is where Alicia comes in. 

She acts as a guide to various services and agencies, a translator of medical jargon and calming voice of reason in the chaos of uncharted territory. Alicia’s able to support you throughout this process.

Aging Partners & Children of Aging Parents 

Whether you're caregiving for an elder parent or the spouse of an ailing partner, it can be overwhelming and exhausting.  Helping your partner or your parents navigate the complicated healthcare system can be frustrating to say the least.

A few consultations with Alicia will give you the benefit of her knowledge and experience.  

She’ll also provide you with a list of actionable steps to take or make sure are in place to help you help you support your ailing partner or aging parents safely stay at home for as long as possible while still being ready to make changes when the time comes.

Most people are thrown into long-term care without much choice.  This is a way to change that.

Alicia can also help you navigate your complicated feelings around being a caregiver of an ailing partner or aging parent.


Drugs. Alcohol. Shopping. Porn. Gambling.  Dependency can have many faces. But the underlying pain and shame are the same. 

After years of working in treatment centres (specifically residential treatment), Alicia has the experience of seeing countless people through their recoveries. 

Alicia knows what works, and what doesn't.  Instead of trial and error, seeking professional support helps you find the right solutions for you - faster. 

ADHD - Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 

Trying to fit into a world that’s been designed for those who are “neurotypical” when your brain doesn’t work that way can be hard.

Most people think they know what ADHD is. But, it's so much more complex than popular media leads us to believe. It's not just about attention or hyperactivity; rather, it’s about organizing, sequencing of daily tasks, emotional management, social interactions, and so much more. 

If you've been diagnosed with ADHD, or any other neurodivergence, Alicia is well versed in how to manage it. You might even say she's an expert, since she has been diagnosed as neurodivergent herself.

Next Steps

If you’re looking for support in any of these areas or perhaps a different area, book a 20 minute consultation with Alicia to learn more about how she can support you.

Alicia Niewiatowska

Alicia is a counsellor who is committed to providing straightforward, no-nonsense, and goal-oriented advice and guidance to those trying to course correct and get their life back on track.

Alicia draws on her experience working in community-based and residential treatment settings for the last ten years to help all of her clients reach their goals.  She considers it a privilege to work with individuals who are committed to course correcting where their life is heading and reach their potential.


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